Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 3

Review of week 3.

This week was more rough than the past.   The first week where i've really had cravings for things suchs as bread or cheese.... oh cheese how i miss you.    This week was also an extremly STRESSFUL week.....  making changes in the house that by friday evening, I had to admit i really just wanted to emotional eat...  like REALLY just binge... but thankfully I have an amazing supportive boyfriend throughout this journey and he reminded me not to cheat and to push through it wasn't worth it!

I also ordered a cookbook to help give me more options to recipes etc...  so hoping that will help as well.  Pinterest and google so far have been my saving grace

Now for my week 3 numbers:

Goal weight loss: 70lbs
Current week weight loss: 3.6 lbs!!!!
Total weight loss: 13.8lbs
lbs left till goal: 56.2

Goal for this next week: Get all of my water in, do NOT cheat during this upcoming snow storm they are calling for in this area as well as try some new recipes and ways to cook veggies!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week 2

Review of week 2.

Found one of the IP treats that are my favorite....  the restricted chocolate/coconut bar.  I cut it into pieces and then freeze... perfect evening snack!

Now for my week 2 numbers:

Goal weight loss: 70lbs
Current week weight loss: 1.6 lbs!!!!
Total weight loss: 10.2lbs
lbs left till goal: 59.8

Goal for this next week: My goal this next week is to find some more interesting ways to cook my veggies and to hopefully break losing 15lbs this week!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Week 1

I am sure that I will update in between the weekly weigh in posts...  But this is the post where I will update how the week went, any weight loss that week.  Challenges, mini goals....  etc etc.

Also I hope to share any recipes I discover along my journey.

I realized I didn't say how I was losing the weight.

So on the 1st I started Ideal Protein.   Ideal Protein is a  Weight Loss Method is a medically designed protocol containing 2 key components – weight loss and a healthier lifestyle education to assist you in maintaining your results after dieting.*

Some of the things you learn while on this journey with Ideal Protein is:

  • how your body fat is burnt;*
  • the relationship between insulin and weight gain;*
  • which foods are best suited for healthy weight management;*
  • when, why and in what combination to eat carbohydrates, fats, and proteins;*
(*This was from the idealprotein.com website)

So in basic terms.....  You eat 3 Ideal Protein meals a day (2 meals and 1 snack), 4 cups of veggies every day, 8 ounces of protein, healthy fat (1 T oil), plus vitamins. 

No Sugar, No Dairy, No Alcohol, No fruits, certain veggies are off limits.   It's all about making the choices so that you don't have extra sugar in your body because your body will burn the sugar before it burns the fat.  

So lets get to my review of week 1.

I was SOOOOO worried about the whole cutting sugar headaches which you hear about, constantly feeling hungry.  Luckily i didn't have either of those.   I think increasing my water intake has helped keep my feeling full between the meals.

So the first week.... i didn't try to get all adventurous or anything   YET!  I stuck to getting my 4 cups of veggies in, 2 with lunch, 2 with dinner.   Getting all of my water in.

My review of the IP meals:  Some are very good, some are eatable, and a couple i just couldn't stomach.   But what one person may like someone else may not.   

A lot of salads this week, to get veggies in easily.  I have been using the Walden Farms dressing, which are ok.  The Italian, Balsamic Vinegar, and Chipotle Ranch are the 3 I like the best.    My goal for next week is to try to make my own homemade dressings, that way i know exactly WHAT I'm putting in my dressings therefor knowing exactly what is going in my body.

Now for my week 1 numbers:

Goal weight loss: 70lbs
Current week weight loss: 8.6lbs!!!!
Total weight loss: 8.6lbs
lbs left till goal: 61.4

Goal for this next week:  experiment and create my own salad dressings and to limit the amount of bought dressing i use for veggies or meat etc.

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Start

It's time to reclaim my body.   I am a Single mom of 2 boys who are 8 and 10 and the LOVES of my life.  But I can no longer say that I'm carrying around pregnancy weight and have people look at me like "oh ok"...lol.   So this is my journey to a better me.  This isn't a journey just to a better physical me...   which of course I'm looking forward to.   But my head is clear.... my heart is open and I am ready to learn and improve my life to be a better me in general.  In my career, my home, my friendships......   There is no better day than to start today.

I am starting this journey 1/1/2016... This is not a resolution, this is not something in 2 weeks I'm going to quit.   I am in this for the long haul.

Final Goal Weight Loss Goal: 70lbs